A few things I've said and a few things that have been said about me.
Dishing out the F1 gossip behind our Thank You, Lewis campaign for Mercedes.
Living my best creative life, with Creative Salon
Getting untalented with Molly Jennings
The one where I met Rob Mayhew.
Channeling my plumber’s views on media in Campaign Magazine
Woohoo I’m now at Pablo!
Behind the scenes of #WeThe15 with LBB.
A chat with creative people from the Motherland.
Setting out my pro-craft agenda for Campaign.
Press for Hey Girls that’s guaranteed to make you angry.
Uncertain? Check out my talk for Radiocentre’s Tuning In series.
Let’s be honest, the best part of the Super Bowl is the ads.
#SheTakesOver launches for 2021.
Talking all things SheTakesOver for BiteLive.
Significant life event klaxon! I’ve been promoted. Mum and Dad are beaming.
The Pitch Magazine was kind enough to select me as one of the top senior talent in 2020, even though I confessed to some pretty weird things in the interview.
A chat with the British Arrows about She Takes Over
Musings on my adopted home town of London.
A few notes from a supersonic Christmas shoot by CHI for Argos
Argos Christmas is Ready For Takeoff.
Wondering what's going to win at Cannes this year? Check out my predictions.
Here's an interview about our latest Argos work.
And another one!
I recently spoke at Writerscrawl, a festival of copywriting, on the subject of How To Write Just About Anything.
I wrote a spec idea for the next John Lewis Christmas ad. I expect they'll be calling me any day now.
Communication Arts asked me for tips on staying creative.
My recent nomination for Creative Woman of the Year.
An interview for Cannes Lionesses, a brilliant project about women winning lions.
An article about Three Dangerous Advertising Ideas, for D&AD
Some news from CHI & Partners, in Campaign Magazine